The Aikan Dojo of
Aikido Yoshinkai
A Non-Violent Martial Art
Contact: Webmaster

Updated:  July 2024

John Fox Sensei: Director, Chief Instructor  
home/office: 541-621-3360 cell phone,  e-mail:           
Aikan Dojo website:
PSMA website:

Shant Palanjian Sensei: Chief Instructor Grants Pass, cell  541-441-6746
e-mail:       website:


        Crescent City, CA > Chief Instructor John Fox Sensei (6th dan)                                               Sundays > Adult & Youth Basic 5 - 6:15 PM (age 9 min.), Intermediate 6:15 - 7 PM
             Mondays > Adult Intermediate / Advanced (by appointment only) 9:30 - 11:30 AM
             Mondays > Adult Intermediate 5 - 6:30 PM  
             Monthly Fees > $60 1 class weekly,  $100 2 - 3 classes weekly
​             Location > Speakman's Kenpo 5.0 Dojo, 1270 Front St., Crescent City, CA

        Grants Pass, OR > Chief Instructor Shant Palanjian Sensei (4th dan)
             Sundays > General / Youth 1:30-2:45 PM, General 2:45 - 4:00 PM
             Thursdays > General 8:30 - 10 PM
             Monthly Fees > Adult $35-$50, Youth: $25-$35 (weekly classes 1 or 2)
             Location > Del Saito's Martial Arts - 1535 Harbeck Rd., Grants Pass, OR

                   (Financial assistance for those who qualify - both locations)

The Aikan Dojo of Medford & Ashland Oregon relocated to Crescent City California, due to the disruption of the Covid Pandemic and the total destruction of our home dojo, the Medford Judo Academy, in 2020. The MJA had been serving the community for over 50 years in Phoenix Oregon, when the Almeda fire, destroyed it along with over 2500 other structures, mostly Rogue Valley homes and businesses. 

The Aikan Dojo of Grants Pass Oregon continues to be located at the address noted above.

    What is Aikido?

I often describe Aikido as being a martial art that studies how to control the aggression of others by hugging, rather than kicking and punching.

Aikido's graceful, circular techniques are designed to neutralize aggression without attacking, to control opposing forces by blending rather than opposing. Aikido students study the power of harmony by learning that softness and calmness are not weaknesses; in fact such qualities, along with assertiveness, are the most effective responses one can make to violence and aggression.  
The primary goal of Aikido is personal character growth. Aikido's physical techniques will very rarely be used outside of the dojo, but the underlying principles are frequently applicable during daily life's many encounters. By applying Aikido's principles to your daily life, all relationships between individuals, genders, races, economic classes, nations, religions, and mankind and the environment - will be greatly improved. Application of Aiki principles enhances all relationships, productivity, health, balance and coordination as you become more calm, focused, optimistic, and happier.

Although Aikido's physical movements often look more like ballet than a martial art, it is second to none as an effective form of self-defense and control. Aikido Yoshinkai is used in the training of law enforcement agencies worldwide. It has been required training for the elite Tokyo Riot Police and all female officers since 1964. It is the basis for On Guard Control and Defensive Tactics Training which has been officially adopted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for their Officer Safety, Narcotics Investigation, and Anti-Terrorist Training Programs; and as well, has been certified by the state law-enforcement agencies in five American states. Self-Defense seminars are offered annually. John Fox Sensei, the Chief Instructor of the Aikan Dojo, has black belts in: Aikido (6th), PSMA (1st), and is a Yoshinkan Certified Instructor (38 years teaching experience), an On Guard Advanced Instructor, a Vietnam Veteran (US Army, Infantry, Sgt E-5), and producer of Non-Violent Resolution of Conflict seminars for "Save Our Sons and Daughters" in high crime areas of Detroit, Michigan. 

Crescent City John Fox Sensei -, cell: 541-621-3360  
Grants Pass Shant Palanjian Sensei -
Aikan Dojo, On Guard  
Grandmaster Jose E. Bueno's PSMA -